Your inner voice says, ‘I am not good enough’. My inner voice says, ‘Hazel, you’re so brave!’ Where does that…

Nassau Bahamas is hot.  The breeze blows through the palm trees and the sea that laps at the shore is…

Blow me a kiss from across the room Say I look nice when I’m not Touch my hair as you…

  Stage One – Passive Dependency We experience a dream, a vision, something beyond ourselves. We obey someone else’s law. …

I am still dragging up stuff from my old files – authors totally unknown I’m afraid. This week it is…

  I am reading a lot of religious books at the moment.  I am curious about all things Christian faith…

I used to have this pinned to my office door at South Beds District Council.  The author is unknown.  …

  What are the characteristics of good objectives? They must be as specific as possible Objectives should be described in…

I believe this comes from a book, ‘women in power’, but I can’t attribute this properly as it is a…

You might find these behavioural questions useful in interviewing. Behavioural questions seek past examples of specific behaviour to assess the…

 Lightness of touch is important.   In all of last week’s machinations And speculations on what was to be I…

I dragged FH kicking and screaming to the alter on our wedding day, not because he hadn’t decided he was…