I am not sure how connecting with me can help you but …that’s fine. It does because i have been…

What haven’t I told you yet about Colorado?   I didn’t tell you they have drug shops where you can…

The Colorado trip is a different kind of holiday for me because I am a house guest.  My host and…

I am sorry I am still not writing.  It’s unlike me to set a target and not deliver, but I…

I have been sick.  It meant I had a little break from my blog.  It was the first time.  Normally…

Now I am sixty. I wrote this when I was fifty eight.   https://hazeldurbridge.com/evaluating-myself-at-sixty/   I had a little google…

We had a restructure at Peabody and Martin, my boss took redundancy.   He wrote this about me in an…

I heard that my old friend Paul Griffiths died yesterday.   I think that Paul was one of a handful…

    I went to Lisbon on my own for my 60th birthday.  To do that was huge.  As well…

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: It’s your life and no one but you can look after it.  You are responsible for it, including…

    The Leveller combines the qualities of three positions and humanises them:   The rescuer humanised is your capacity…

On Saturday I went on a guided tour of Highgate cemetery https://highgatecemetery.org/visit You can’t book tickets at the week-end, but…