Frisco, Colorado

The Colorado trip is a different kind of holiday for me because I am a house guest.  My host and I are potential future grandparents so it’s important the relationship is not damaged by my visit.

I hadn’t much of a clue what I was coming to.  I had bought an old guide from a charity shop and read it, but otherwise hadn’t thought about it.

It turns out I came to Frisco which is 9,000 feet up and in a valley, not far as the osprey flies, from Aspen.

Frisco is over 60% second homes.  This means that if residents want work doing on their homes it’s incredibly expensive because plumbers, electricians, house builders etc can’t afford to live here.  It’s pretty.  The houses are mainly wood and everywhere is exceptionally clean.  Amazingly, because people are wealthy here, the local buses are free, but maybe that’s to dis-encourage the use of enormous 4×4 vehicles.  They dug up the railway line they built in the 19th century.


The fascinating thing about being a house guest is that you get far greater opportunities to meet local people, or more accurately lots of people who have moved here from other parts of the US to retire.  They are without exception from a superior gene pool or have had some superior work done – especially on their teeth.  I have never seen a group of 65-75 year olds with such perfectly straight, very white, teeth that look real.  I would have a complex living here.

They are fit.  Fat is not an acceptable option.  Skiing (obviously), hiking, kayaking etc.  I went in a kayak for the first time ever on Lake Dillon.  People eat healthily.  I am fed green smoothies for lunch instead of my usual sandwich.  They have Nutrition Action magazines in the bathroom.  I will probably purchase a blender when I get back.

The scenery is incredibly beautiful.  There is snow on the mountain tops, but it is hot and sunny and the valleys are full of delicate wild flowers.

I went to the local church on Sunday and then to lunch with a glamourous 64 year old woman from Arizona who had made her money in oil and gas.  At one point she told me (deadly serious) that Obama is gay and Michelle has a willie.  Most of the people I meet are Democrats here.  One said to me that she expects anyone who voted for Trump to apologise to her personally or she won’t speak to them.

They ask about Brexit and Boris and I am non-committal.

There are only 4% black people in Colorado.  In a full church there were three – 1 woman and 2 men.

The experience is allowing me to explore more of what I want for myself in my 4th age.  I am not sure undiluted ‘fun’ is it.