Rocky Mountain Bible Church, Colorado

What haven’t I told you yet about Colorado?


I didn’t tell you they have drug shops where you can go and buy your dope legally.

I didn’t tell you about Rocky Mountain Bible Church which was great.  They see themselves positioned at a national, even international crossroads and proactively open up their church to embrace seasonal residents and visitors.  When I was there they changed from one service to two on a Sunday to accommodate increase in numbers.

I was impressed with the excellent standard of Bible teaching from the two relatively young male pastors.  After the service you walked across to another building and after some very good coffee and nice cakes had another 45 minutes of Bible study.  They call it Adult Sunday School.

I didn’t tell you the place is awash with hummingbirds.

I am left with the very strong impression that their idea of female beauty up here is Nancy Reagan.  I have never seen so many stick thin, chiselled jaw women my age and older with zero bags under their eyes.  And not forgetting the straight white teeth.

A propos Luton, I have met a disproportionate number of financially successful happily married couples.  When you ask them about their lives or what they do, some will focus on what they do to have fun.  Maybe it’s rude to ask about their life stories, but I am curious.  How did they end up in Colorado, even part-time, from so many parts of the US?

I have been in astonishingly beautiful, purpose-built wooden houses like out of the movies.  They are gorgeous, but I look at their vaulted ceilings and wonder how expensive they are to heat in their very cold winters. They profess to be ultra keen environmentalists.  Once we were fed off paper plates.  Now I don’t want to seem ungrateful for their hospitality because I am very grateful and it’s an honour to see inside people’s lives, but we numbered 12.  They were rich.  They had a dishwasher.  Surely they had 12 plates.

Thankfully, their idea of a hike, even if I had to breathe through my mouth going uphill to get enough oxygen due to altitude, is my idea (even as a townie) of a walk.


I read two books while I was here that I bought in their version of a charity shop which they call thrift shops.

‘At Long Last Love’ by John & Julie Wingo was a guide to being proactive in your relationships from an American couple who ran a professional matchmaking business.  Aha.

The second was ‘The 3rd Alternative’ by Stephen Covey.  I am already a devotee of his thinking and writing having first read his work when FH, who worked for an American company, was given  7 habits to read for homework.  He scanned it.  I devoured it.

I read both books from a point of view of positively reinforcing where I am in life.

I was reassured that I have behaved and continue to behave in a lot of the positive ways outlined in the relationship book.

I am also a 3rd Alternative thinker which is why I see arguments on both sides politically and can feel an outsider in work environments even when I am being quite successful.

The holiday and my reading has both refreshed and endorsed my thinking on where I am going on life’s path.

Pretty much as always, much as I love the break, I am ready and happy to go home.

P.S.Red Rocks Bar, before you go through passport control, serve a great breakfast bap and the older, blonde waitress is a star.