What wow do I like?

I saw this ‘wow’ chair in an interior design shop in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia this year.  The exercise was something I did as part of sessions with a career coach at EC1.  I’ve already mentioned Julia Thrul



My friends Interesting approaches & ideas. Insightfulness. Getting old well. Direct. Funny. Self-deprecating. Brave
Robert Fisk ( British journalist) His writing style.
Trinny Woodall (British fashion stylist?) I love her look. Approachable, quirky, individual, lived in.
Denis Skinner (British politician) Passionate, articulate, charismatic, funny.
Taylor Swift (American pop star) Immensely talented and wholesome. Great songs. I guess it’s faint praise for a pop star when parents like you.
Alan Sugar (British Business Entrepreneur on TV with the British version of the Apprentice) He feels real. Raw but funny.

I get disillusioned very quickly with people I meet who don’t deliver through. I get all excited when I meet them the first time because they have all this energy and charisma and then the next time there is nothing there. They don’t make eye contact. I stop believing they are genuine. Congruence is important to me. This to me means that people give out the same message in all they do – like seaside rock – it runs all the way through.

Behaviours that draw me in

Stories of the world well told

Showing an interest in me ( this is really important for me to do well in an interview context)

An appreciation of good food and drink

Sharing a little of themselves so you want to know more

Being succinct

People who love their children in a way that gives them space to grow

People who are brave and resolute in adversity

Being very good at what they do

Being fair

Consistency and constancy in all they do.


Behaviours that put me off

Stressing values that I find vacuous – like your children doing well in a prescribed way

Obsession with calories in food and weight – it makes me uncomfortable

Not treating you with rapt attention when they have made an appointment to see you

No interest in looking forward and having dreams and visions, although having been told that I should now stop all ‘planning’, I have to temper it by saying that some planning is good at certain times of your life!

Lack of consistency and constancy. People who are volatile unnerve me

Obsessions with rules

Not listening and asking questions – just telling

Overt image and sexuality to get their message across