I haven’t had space to tell you about something I saw in Unawatuna. I was sat on a sun bed…

Yesterday I got bitten a lot. I don’t know if this was because it rained. The 6 of us who…

I finished the book. For some reason I seem to gravitate towards SF when I am away.   I guess a…

Interestingly, ‘positive thoughts – positive emotions – positive results. We are good people’, was the message of the formal in-country…

Today I went to Galle and it was so quiet and picturesque. I worked out how to get a bus…

Yaounde is the political capital of Cameroon nestling in a valley surrounded by hills. There are very few buildings of…

I get emails asking me if I am enjoying myself. ‘Enjoying myself’ is sort of an interesting statement. I am…

Yesterday after breakfast and reading the development plan again for my meeting with Oxfam I went with V1 and V2…

I underestimated the level of emotional withdrawal needed to take a leap. VSO wrote to offer me a placement as…

This whole VSO process is much slower than you probably think.  I still have 2-3 training week-ends and must pass…

The big news this month is that I have got accepted for VSO! Finally, after waiting two months instead of…

1.04.2013 One of the most immediately lovely things is that I am sleeping totally naked again. In England I only…