Sounds of Glory @ The Kings Arms

I went to the Sounds of Glory conference at the Kings Arms Church in Bedford.


It was a spending time with God moment as I thought what they were offering was not really my thing. I don’t see myself as prophetic, or to be honest evangelical, in the sense of spreading God’s word.

I like the church. I have been a couple of times because my son’s girlfriend goes there.  The preaching is very good – superior in intellect and delivery to LCF.

I bought a ticket for one day. It wasn’t cheap.  There were 3 sessions of 2.5 hours, but one hour of each session was spent singing.  They had a worship leader over from the states.  It’s deliberately pumped up – a bit trance.

I was blown away by the messages.

Isiah 43: 18-21

‘He defines you in the present by what you are becoming’

‘You are in the position for what is coming, not for where you have been’.

The message I got from session 1 was that I am placed at work exactly where he wants me to be.

The message I got from session 2 is that I need to think about influences on my life that have been jezebolic. I had never heard of the word before.  In the conference context it was used to refer to both men and women and can be about controlling others in the spiritual realm.

‘The nature of deception is that you don’t know when you are being deceived’.

1 John 4:

The message I got from session 3 was that you can always renegotiate your relationship with your circumstances.

Colossians 2:

‘Hope is a strong, confident expectation, rooted in the promises of God’


Sessions 1 & 3 were led by Pete Grieg pictured above who has written a book recently, ‘Dirty Glory’.