a good book and a swimming pool

A lot of significant travel experiences for me are made special by a deserted swimming pool in a beautiful location, sun, a good book and a cold beer or glass of wine.

There is some irony in this. Firstly, I can’t swim properly. I swim breast stroke for hours with my head above water. Secondly, I am trying to curb the alcohol, mainly due to its calorific content on my disappearing waistline.

Anyway, Cairo was no exception. After ringing around a number of snazzy hotels that were charging ludicrous amounts to use the pool facility for the day, we ended up at the Holiday Inn at Maadi corniche for a very reasonable sum including use of the gym.

It was magical. The pool was quite small, but deep and placed like an infinity pool so where the pool ended – the Nile began – great for sunset viewing.

It was deserted most of the day. The food and service was excellent.

And the book?
The World Below by Sue Miller

Why did I love it? The book didn’t really go anywhere and wasn’t especially a happy ending, but it did explore the life and relationships of a mother whose children have all left the nest so I identified with it.
She writes so well about those poignant moments when we don’t lie to ourselves and the way a relationship can turn from promise to oblivion on what may be a seemingly insignificant moment.

I remember being stuck standing on a train with a man who I knew loved me, but who ‘cornered’ me physically as well as emotionally. His position of choice was to stand with both hands leaning against the wall behind me in such a way that I was trapped in the middle. He taught me so much, but I could not bear the physical way he ‘owned’ me. In that moment the chance of a long term commitment evaporated.