ex family party

The cousins as little ones.

How are you? My decree nisi came through last week and I have returned (introspectively) to my mournful state. This means it is internal rather than external. The G is also over here at the moment and they are in Wales so I am mawky. However, I got to be invited to former in laws’ son’s 18th birthday party on Saturday (probably as useful chauffeur to offspring) but actually it was OK. I haven’t seen them or their friends for nearly 2 years and I miss them all. Most of them had aged terribly. I am in ageist observation mode at the moment if you hadn’t already noticed. That doesn’t mean I won’t still like you if you are hairless!

I met my new boss at Scarman on Friday and they want me back more hours which is nice as I keep thinking I am going to get the sack from my useful 8 hours a week – pays the car loan – job on the side. I am not going to leave the safe little council though, especially now I’ve got a pay rise and lease car/financial bonus. I could have 2 car loans now! Actually I am paying the solicitor with it!

A* came down from Norwich to the party and looked poised girl ‘working’ the room and talking about her travel aspirations. J1 has got the lead in the school musical and is looking at drama places – keeps visiting the RADA website (£11k a year that costs). He had better be brilliant and get a scholarship. I picked up the AX from the garage on Saturday. They had fixed up the bumper that A* trashed with black gaffer tape which amused me and mortified J1 – total lack of street cred. I think I shall be visiting scrap yards with him to get a new one. Had to have a father son talk with him yesterday about the number of gorgeous women he is bonking and then dumping – I have to do my bit for the sister hood. To be fair to him, I think he is a bit bemused, does it because he thinks it’s what they want and then scares himself to death – never mind the hours he has to spend consoling them on the phone. He is fine talking about such intimacies – we ended up on the ‘both having to come out of it with self- respect’ line. We got in to quite a lot of detail about how sex gets better with practice!

I went for a bladder/kidney scan on Wednesday following my grumbling appendix symptoms earlier this year and my boss has been having cancer tests for a lump in his arm. I hope your treatment is going OK.

I have zero other news apart from I invited a new woman friend from work home for tea last Tuesday who used to be married to Robert Maxwell’s PA. He was apparently a horrible man (her ex) and she hasn’t been able to trust blokes since. However, I am working on making her think about going out there and trying them out again on the principle that if you never buy lottery tickets you will never win.

I am still struggling to stop smoking. I bought a glorious pair of hippy shoes last week because I still feel young enough to do so although they are grossly unflattering/unfeminine.

A big hug.