Exploring a Bigger World
What do I feel about my Trinidad wedding experience? On the first day we had an organised tour to…
I ate my first artichoke in Berre Les Alpes near Nice. It was delicious, if a little fiddly. You peel…
The story of my trip to Cairo is in three parts. One is about being treated with such care and…
There was a lot of driving. It was far more Boot Camp than any previous tour I have done, even…
Daintree is the oldest rainforest in the world. It is 180 million years old, tens of millions older than the…
A little piece of my heart will stay forever in Port Douglas. I hadn’t expected to feel that. What did…
We had an away day with work in Rochester. One of our new Family Mosaic colleagues lives there so organised…
I was quite taken with Istanbul’s beautiful location, and the buildings. Hagia Sofia had the decorators in, but the scaffolding…
FB has been sending not very nice emails as though criticising me more is going to make me go running…
Darling A How are you? I have been so sad not to speak to you over the week-end, but I…