My update to friends I have had a hectic 3 weeks since I got back.  I have been offered 2…

I love my three children equally. When I feel frail and weary it crosses my mind that I need to…

It feels like it has been a long, exhausting and painful month. FP finally moved Friday 15th after weeks when…

Darling A* I understand that you feel a bit all over the place. It is good to feel, to grieve,…

Nothing major has happened to tell you about since I last wrote. I have lost a stone at weightwatchers, the…

I have been going to weightwatchers for 3 weeks which draws in a very different type of clientele from the…

The first thing I have to tell you is that after all that faff and angst on my part, A*…

So what is October news since I last wrote at the tail end of August? Not much. We are still…

My week-end at Hay Literary Festival was an absolute delight, enjoyable on a number of levels. The accommodation was fantastic…

I went to Trafford Hall to a Housing Plus Academy Think Tank, Community Enterprise: Creating Sustainable Communities and they asked…

This is some of my learning as it relates to my blog from the whom have been running a…

This bottle of wine is worth about £100 and I drank it with my daughter the night before she went…