slamming door clip art – I have been reading M.Scott Peck ‘People of The Lie’ this week which is…

Two 18 year old German girls have turned up to volunteer at S’s centre following A’s departure. Their mother also…

J1 decided he was not coming out with the others. He was travelling a lot with the marines and a…

If ever you think about wanting to visit a seaside resort that is a little bit old fashioned, I would…

I got to the caves and I was so glad I did. What is it about dry caves that preserves…

I went up the Mandara mountains to Oudjilla which is an animist/Christian village where the chief has 50 wives, except…

I had to have Sean the horse put down this week. Basically his sarcoids erupted so there was no skin…

Esala Perahera is supposed to be the big thing and rooms are gold dust so let’s hope it was worth…

I got stuck on the train coming north from Bamenda.   I had THE most eventful journey home. I left Tuesday…

There are new developments in the offing! By the end of September I will have finished my Cameroon and Sri…

I was up at 4am to get the train back to Batticaloa this morning. I don’t use alarms – I…

On the evening of J2’s birthday, December 7th 2010, I heard some news that may mean my life has turned…