adding value

I am thinking about ‘adding value’. I have been reading two books that make reference to adding value this week. The first is called ‘The science of getting rich’ by Wallace D Wattles and it came to me by clicking on Stuart Ross & Gerard Chris & Merrilee I don’t quite know how I got there. I am always looking at ways of developing my blog and that is tied in with, if I am not always striving and thinking of ways to develop myself, how can I effectively encourage and empower others in the job I do?

Anyway, it’s a bit labored and religious sounding and was written over 100 years ago and I am just going to focus on a little bit of it. I sent it to J1 who wants to be rich and successful and he emailed back after 30 seconds saying it was a load of bo****ks, but it isn’t. You have to read it and concentrate and think about it.

This is the bit I want to focus on

‘And he must do, every day, all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner. He must give to every man a use value in excess of the cash value he receives, so that each transaction makes for more life: and he must so hold the Advancing Thought that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom he comes in contact.’

The second book is overtly religious. It’s called ‘Just walk across the room’ by Bill Hybels and it is about practicing evangelism. I picked it up at church. LCF are always pointing us towards spiritual growth literature and I am always interested. The book, (and my church) argue that we should all be evangelists. This is something I always thought I would be hopeless at and wasn’t at all in my repertoire of skills, but the fact is, I meet loads of people in the work I do, I constantly and increasingly get opportunities to share my beliefs with my family, friends, colleagues and the general public and I am finding myself incrementally being drawn in to doing so, but this is not, ‘ram it down your throat’ god-worshipper stuff. Fundamentally it is about being the best person you can be, facing outwards and being friends with non-believers, getting to know people and making the tactful most of opportunities.

It’s about thinking ‘how do I add value?’ with every contact I have in every single day.

From a developing business perspective, it makes sense because it keeps your profile higher and you are in people’s minds when opportunities arise or they trust your credibility when that email drops in to their box to sell them something. From an evangelism perspective, when life deals those contacts you make a blow, you are more likely to be the person they turn to for advice/encouragement/support.

I am quite a quiet and shy person, so I don’t tend to be mega friendly with everyone, but I find, as I get older and as I am happy and relaxed I am engaging more, but not consciously so. After my reading this week I am going to focus harder.