7 keys for feeling good about yourself in difficult situations


TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: It’s your life and no one but you can look after it.  You are responsible for it, including your own happiness.  blaming your parents, your childhood, society, your boss or life events, is avoiding this responsibility.

BE PREPARED TO CHANGE: Being flexible and open to change is essential – open your mind, consider alternative views, never expect perfection.  Absolutist, rigid thinking (all or nothing ) will keep you stuck.  Avoid the words: must, should, ought and can’t.

CONFRONT DIFFICULTIES AND FRUSTRATIONS: problems need solving, not avoiding.  Difficulties hold the gifts of learning, tolerating and broadening you as a person.  Welcome these, but also accept that life is not always fair.

LOOK AFTER YOURSELF: Everyone has certain needs in order to be healthy physically and mentally.  It’s your job to identify your own set of needs and satisfy them.  This is sometimes called, ‘healthy selfishness’.

EXPRESS YOURSELF HONESTLY:  Your feelings, emotions and thoughts are what make you ‘you’.  Communicating both positives and negatives appropriately is the only real way others can know you.

WORK FOR BALANCE:  You choose and decide everything that is in your life.  If it is out of balance work to correct this: work / recreation, physical / mental activity, personal / social time and so on.

RELATIONSHIPS ARE ESSENTIAL: Everyone relates to other people.  Work to build relationships based on trust, respect and common interests.  You can only do this by accepting others for who they are – don’t try to change anyone.

Source unknown – apologies.  I also found this useful this week.
