working on a plan

So Margaret Thatcher has died ….. a Sri Lanka book of condolence email came through today.

There is a little more clarity following the meeting with Oxfam. Oxfam themselves are downsizing in Sri Lanka so the team currently in Batticaloa will reduce from 15-5 which brings its own issues.

I need to monitor implementation of the Ampara plan and produce an action plan with names, responsibilities and dates attached and help co-ordinate and produce a similar development plan in Batticaloa (you can see these places on the east coast of the island if you look at a map). Apparently the GA (government agent, but like a Chief Exec of a District Council, but not in to delegation) was the unhelpful one in Ampara whereas the GA in Batticoloa is a Christian Tamil woman (most Tamils are Hindus). I am not sure her faith will make a difference, but they were keen to tell me this as if it would.

There are pressing financial constraints as the Oxfam EU funding (printing/publication/expenses) runs out in July and from August onwards there may be problems with logistics (getting places) because of the downsizing. I am trying to get in touch with John, who wrote the initial plan and may be willing to brief me and share information, but VSO are reluctant because they are afraid he will flood me with negativity.



Farming and fishing are central to the lives and livelihoods of people living in Batticaloa District. The future economic prosperity of the area, its social cohesion and the health of its environment are all closely tied to these activities. This plan sets out a strategy and current action plan for the development of Batticaloa’s economy and infrastructure over the next 5 years from 2013-2018 and makes suggestions which can be taken forward to further advance the strategy.

In preparing the plan, the District Planning Secretariat has consulted widely with key stakeholders including: government departments, farming and fisheries organisations, NGOs, businesses and representative organisations from the private and faith sectors.

The plan takes account of national policies and of the proposals within the Eastern Development Plan 2012-2016. The plan targets achievable programmes in selected priority areas.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, it has also made extensive use of research and plans already in circulation in the District including

  1. The Development Plan of Batticaloa Municipal Council 2012-2030
  2. Flood Mitigation in Ampara & Batticaloa Districts of Sri Lanka

EML consultants (PVT) Ltd   – Dec 2010

  1. Options for flood mitigation in Batticaloa District Sri Lanka ZOA/Apeldoorn Feb 2012
  2. District Development Plan 2012 – 2017 – Agriculture & Livestock in Ampara District


  1. A study on Tourism (Income Generation and Business) Opportunity Mapping in Batticaloa – Eastern Province Tourism Development 2012


The Plan is in three parts:

  1. A district profile which reviews the current situation in department areas, a sector vision, mission and strategies and the issues, challenges and opportunities for development. It identifies gaps and weaknesses in programmes and suggests ways in which these can be addressed.
  2. Sets out a vision for the District of what it is hoped can be achieved over the next 5 years, identifies the key strategic objectives around which effort should be concentrated, delivery mechanisms and monitoring arrangements.
  3. An appendix of department current 5 year plans showing budget costs.

 Batticaloa District Development Plan DRAFT 2013