setting objectives
What are the characteristics of good objectives?
- They must be as specific as possible
- Objectives should be described in terms of ends, not means
The whole purpose of setting objectives is to give someone an end position and then let them work out the best way to achieve it. In this sense, objectives are energising. They allow staff to use their energy and initiative in the best way that they see fit.
Objectives should normally be achievable by the person to whom they are given. This gives scope for under-achievement and over-achievement.
Objectives should be objective and verifiable by some other source such as a printout, a document, an entry in an account.
Staff must have the authority and ability to achieve the objectives set.
Potential Community Development Team Objectives
To ensure the statutory documentation for the centres which you are responsible for is entered on CRM by December 2018.
This includes the partnership agreement
Governance documents where relevant e.g. constitution
Equalities and diversity statement
Vulnerable adults and child protection policy
Risk assessments for each activity
Annual signed accounts
Health & Safety / emergency evacuation
Qualifications, insurance, DBS check (where relevant) for each hirer.
To have identified 3 movers and shakers in your care and support areas who you can work in partnership with to encourage integration between Care and Support Units and community centres.
To prepare a volunteer specification to enable this to happen in one of the following areas
Arts & Crafts
Cookery Classes
Gardening & Food growing
To work with one centre to increase income by 50% in 6 months.
To work with one centre to increase hours by 50% in 6 months.
Every member of the team to set themselves a self- development objective for the year.
Photo by from Pexels