Advice from Ant Middleton
I have finished two books by Ant Middleton this week; numbers two and three in his trilogy which are ‘The Fear Bubble’ and ‘Zero Negativity’.
He writes in a fast paced, readable style and explains himself fully, weaknesses and strengths.
He has been in the army, marines and special forces and is succeeding in life in spite of a difficult childhood (losing his dad and relocating to France as a young boy) and a spell in prison.
Taking the memorable quotes from the two books, what resonated with me that I would want to pick up on and pass on?
Questions to ask yourself
What is your positive motivator? Strip your life down to the essentials and try and work out what is important to you.
What do you think your weaknesses are?
Are you working on your ego? Having pride in yourself is good, but your ego can trip you up if you are trying to show you are better than others.
Things to do
Listen to criticism – reflect and learn from it
BUT stay away from negative people
Sociability is a massively undervalued skill
Never forget that we are a problem solving animal
This struggle is going to make you grow
You don’t look backwards to walk forwards
Four best quotes that spoke to me
What actually defines you is your capacity for opening doors.
There’s no list in existence that itemises what’s right in your life and what’s gone wrong and then makes a final calculation that tells you who you are.
As long as you’re changing you’re winning. You’re part of that universal process.
You cannot fail the mission of you because that mission doesn’t end until the very moment of your death. A well lived life is like an Everest with no summit
BUT it’s important to take the time to stop and enjoy the view/s.