About me
If I was writing my obituary now, one of the things I would be most proud of, beyond my children and surviving, is my CV. There are no mega jobs in there, but despite some uninspiring careers’ advice, I took a leap of faith on the cusp of my thirties and found something I was good at and loved doing. Community Work is non statutory so contracts are short lived and while at the time I thought I would probably rue the effect this may have had on my pension; the reality is I haven’t and in no way can I look back and say I wish I had tried something and didn’t.
I have failed at some things; struggled in many, but never given up.
I also thank
- the humble up-bringing I had, an experience which made it possible to survive setbacks
- my husband’s American company that made him (and me by default) read Stephen Covey which helped set me on an irreversible path of self-development
- our pets, especially Sean the horse
- my house on Cutenhoe Road
My daughter tells me that what makes me a writer is that I can’t not write. I wrote my way through all my sadness and was healed by it.
This second edition of my website is the result of my / collaborative / community learning.
I hope to provide a vehicle to continue to explore community-based enterprise
and to continue to tell stories about trying and not giving up.
These fall under the following categories
- Thinking Community
- Exploring a Bigger World
- Learning through People
- Reading that Provokes Thought
- Faith