The Leveller



The Leveller combines the qualities of three positions and humanises them:


The rescuer humanised is your capacity to be sensitive, loving, caring and to have empathy

The persecutor humanised is your ability to be assertive, without demolishing the other person

The victim humanised has child-like qualities, can have fun and be creative and intuitive.


The Leveller says:


I can be sensitive and caring without placating.

I can say how things are for me without blaming.

I won’t wear a mask or hide behind a smile or a blank stare.



The Leveller:


Is able to distance themselves but still be in touch with feelings.

Is honest and authentic in their communication.

Informs the other about their needs, wants and emotions.

Is assertive without being overpowering.

Maintains a sense of self even though the price may be rejection.


Sorry …. I can’t attribute this.  It came on a hand out years ago.