J1 in the US – we discuss men

Darling J1

It has been a really busy week.  I had two late night meetings, one in Hammersmith and another in Fulham and didn’t get home until after 10pm so they were long days.  When I am not new I will start later on those days and pace myself, rather than pick up lots of time off in lieu.  One quite good thing for me is that these committees have both not had any help for some time and were promised the earth by an over-zealous trainee who was not managed sufficiently to have learnt not to over egg expectations.  So they are hopping mad.  Me, with my very understated style and never promising anything I know I can’t deliver is likely to work quite well.

On Friday we went for after work drinks in my honour as the newcomer.  Most of the people in the office are your and A*’s age and have worked their way up from volunteers, but there are a smattering of older men.  I am the only older woman.  I say that, but some of the black women age incredibly well and are actually much older than they look.  I haven’t come across any Muslims yet which is a novelty for me.  The black people are from every African and Asian country under the sun.

A* had a good week.  I don’t know whether she will write to you this week.  Basically, she handed in her notice and her not very nice boss then bust a gut to try and get her to stay offering her an assured route to buyer which put her in a bit of a tizzy for a few days.  Then she could only get a 2 month sabbatical and he made some personal comments about her and she decided Oz is the way forward.  Furthermore a NZ supplier offered her a marketing job AND she won ‘hero’ of the year in the organisation for the employee who goes that extra mile to help.  What a star!

My romantic life has been quite eventful this week.  East End male with the prostate cancer is pursuing me to have dinner at his place.  He is funny, but he is SO east end I can’t imagine ever putting him in front of my friends and he is broke and poor – all assets and thousands spent on girlfriends and gambling.  Is it very bad to say that I am fed up with poverty?  I don’t need shedloads of cash, but someone with enough money to do things is important at this time in my life.

Then I bumped in to Mexican trader from Harpenden on the train.  He asked me why I had not phoned him since I got back and launched straight into his fantasy about me (I know – yuk! But this is the story).  I said, and I didn’t mean it to sound rude, but it’s part of my non chasing policy which he does not know about, ‘why would I ring you?’  Phew!  Well he obviously chewed on this because the vitriolic texts and emails started pm and went on until past midnight.  Utter bonkers!  I am not emotionally equipped for such liaisons.

Finally I am having some dialogue on the Christian mingle website with 2 men in their 60s, one of whom finally agreed a date on Nov 2nd this week.  He has a very ‘dull’ head only photo of him on the site in a suit with the blurb ‘outgoing and sociable’.  Not much to go on there, but he had a sparkle in his eyes and a smirk around the lips so I followed a gut feeling and wrote and I do have good writing skills and can usually lure them to respond.  Anyway, then he sends me more photos 6’ 4’’, in very cool casual clothes, leaning against his range rover with a whopping great house in the background.  He is old totty!  Basically he walks with a stick from falling down a flight of stairs and is a carer for his mother-in-law in her 90s and his wife of 37 years died next to him in bed last December.  He talks a bit like Rick about spatial dimensions in his house and money (he needs to be careful, because even for a non-gold digger it is enticing) AND he has already asked if I am seeing anyone else and I have said no.  A* says, why is he waiting until Nov 2nd, but I think it’s because he needs to get carers in for his mum and he has social activities planned already (he is big in the masons).  If he is not boring and has some interest in physical intimacy and likes me this one is hopeful.  We are also meeting in a hotel in Stratford.  I am certain this is not nooky thinking.  I think this is old man thinking, ‘let’s go somewhere nice’ which would be a refreshing change for me.  What do you think?  A* says I must not stop writing to any others in the interim.

I am also thinking about work darling J1, but I am not interested in climbing up the career ladder again – a bit of dosh and an interesting job is great.  I want a proper nice boyfriend again and a romantic life.

Sean the horse is great.  I went for a long ride yesterday.  Rain was forecast, but actually it was a beautiful mild day.  J2 has been having a stroppy week.  I think he eats too much sugar which affects his mood swings.


Hello Mum,


As I write this I am lying in the middle of the desert waiting for a rehearsal which we will complete before conducting a live fire ambush at first light tomorrow morning. Basically I’ll be up all night and will fire bullets into spring up rubber targets in the morning!


Work has been going well. My boss showed me a draft of my report and it is very well written, very complimentary and sits me within the top third of officers in the Unit. Very happy with that as I feel I deserve it.   I’ve worked my ass off for him doing two jobs since one of our Troop Commanders died.  Hopefully I will be able to spring board onto better things from here.  Although that does mean that I will get increasingly busier and no doubt spend a lot of time away. I’m currently of the opinion that this is important to do while I am still young (and very fit).


It’s funny having done some fairly serious reading out here my attitude towards the military and its global reach is changing. However I do still deeply care about the protection and liberties we afford the people in the UK and elsewhere.  I’ll have a fascinating book for you to read when I get home.


All is going well with Aurore. We stay in touch daily even if it is just a text. I feel we both like each other a lot and whilst I’m not physically always there. I am ‘there’ and this makes us both happy. My French is coming on well. Hopefully she and even you may be impressed!


It all sounds good for A*. What was it her boss said about her? Will she do the job in New Zealand or will she still go and make wine in Australia?


Tell me more about J2? I know you’ve been busy but have you set any of the guidelines that we spoke about? Tell him he is free to move out whenever he likes…


The love life sounds interesting. This Christian dude sounds alright. I think maybe I agree with A*.


Work sounds great. Friday night drinks in London is much better than sitting in a porta-cabin! Hopefully you’ll continue to meet a variety of people though the work.


At the same time as learning French I am also practicing memory techniques to increase my ability to read things quickly. It’s quite good fun and I’m getting pretty good at it. It should help a lot with work.


Love you always,