defunct molar June 2012

The big news since I last wrote is that J2 has got a job for September as a teaching assistant in a primary school. The school got an outstanding Ofsted with special mention about how well they used teaching assistants in the classroom so I feel he is on his way to realise his ambition of becoming a primary school teacher.

Other news – I have lost a lodger to make way for J2, one of my molars is now totally defunct and I am going to need an implant at about £1k or have a gap which I see as a sign of approaching age, we are still on track to go to India this summer, house DIY remains ingoing (I am chipping off floor and wall tiles at the moment) and still hoping to be employed in a more absorbing and better paid job. My social life is great, Theo the dog has strained a muscle in his doggy knee and the weight loss is on a plateau with too much party food and a belated birthday trip to the Ivy.